Free Women Writers (also known as دختران رابعه) is a registered non-profit, non-partisan, and all-volunteer 501(c)(3) organization composed of writers, students, and activists based in Afghanistan and the diaspora and working for a more equal and just Afghanistan. Our EIN/Tax ID number is 82-2635448.
Free Women Writers works to improve the lives of women in Afghanistan through advocacy, storytelling, and education.
Inspired by Rabia Balkhi, we aim to promote gender equality, social justice, and human rights using our voices. In Afghanistan, where daily terrorist attacks, poverty, and war have led to the sustenance of a culture of violence and inequality, we use our pens to fight terrorism and patriarchy. We are also aware of the fact that global media often misrepresents Afghanistan, in particular Afghan women. Afghanistan’s women are often talked about, but rarely listened to. We hope to challenge the one-dimensional portrayal of Afghanistan and Afghans at a global level by elevating authentic Afghan voices.

Centuries ago, Rabia Balkhi was killed by her brother, a king, for falling in love with a slave, daring to write poetry, and dreaming of a different world. She is symbolic for the women of Afghanistan because she broke many misogynistic traditions by raising her voice and she shook the inhumane class system of her time by loving a slave. It is because she raised her voice then, that we can today. She exemplifies our fight for gender equality, social justice, and education.
We titled our first book Daughters of Rabia to honor this brave woman who was also the first known Persian poetess. A collection of Afghan women’s writings in defense of our human rights, the book was published in 2013. Read Daughters of Rabia here.
Our second book is a short guide for women facing gender-based violence. You Are not Alone derives from years of research, speaking with survivors of violence and our experiences as women and survivors. Access this book in Persian, Pashtu, and English for free.
We’ve decided to make our books available free of charge as a resource to those suffering abuse and the people who support them. Please feel free to share the books with your community. Thank you for helping us end patriarchal violence.
Using traditional and “new” media, events, advocacy campaigns, and partnerships with other organizations, we’ve created a platform for Afghan women to tell our stories and demand our rights. We reach more than 100 thousand people online and thousands more offline and have published the work of more than 140 writers in Afghanistan and around the world.