Lustful Eyes

Sitara Hamidi (2)

Sitara Hamidi

Artwork: Roya Saberzada


Beautiful lady!

They don’t like your social interactions

And they call you a “slut.”

Beautiful lady,

They will take your smiles away

And imprison you at home.

In our culture,

Women don’t laugh, they will say.

Be silent.

Here, they interpret your smile

As a sign of promiscuity

And they will push you

To throw ashes on our dreams.

With your dreams shattered,

They will call you “a good woman.”

But even this will not last long.

Your eyes will hide under the burqa

And after a few steps, you will hear them call,

From the security of their cars,

Soliciting you.

You are deemed promiscuous

Because you exist

Even if it is in under a burqa.

The words hurt like daggers.

Beautiful lady,

Be brave.

Think and dream.

Damn the eyes and the words

That stand on your way

And move forward

Thinking of humanity.


Read this piece in Persian here.