10 inspirational quotes from Afghan women

We celebrate the wisdom and resilience of ten Afghan women who are using their voices to make Afghanistan and the world a better place. Every week a new story of horrifying violence against women is uncovered in Afghanistan and the public lashings of women by Taliban seem to have become a reoccurring reality in many parts of the country, Afghan women continue to be imprisoned for being raped, falling in love or marrying by choice. Despite all this, the women of Afghanistan are risking their lives to push their country forward. Here are ten powerful quotes from some of these women that will motivate you to rededicate yourself to gender-equality.

Sonita Alizadeh, Rapper and Activist

“To the women of my beloved country: believe in yourselves. You are strong. Speak up about your dreams and your goals every day so that everyone knows that you exist and you have the right to choose.”

Zarghuna Kargar, Journalist and Author of Dear Zari

“Afghan women are no longer silent. They are a force for progress. From now on, if we have sons, we will teach them to stand up for girls, and if we have daughters, we will make sure they know their value and remember the struggles of the women before them. Our struggle continues but our hope will not fade.”

Mahnaz Rezaie, Writer and Activist

“We, Afghan women, must fight for our rights and work towards our economic and intellectual independence. A woman who is dependent on the financial support of her father, brother or partner is more vulnerable to violence and oppression.”

Humira Saqib, Activist and Director of Afghan Women’s News Agency

“We are working for equity, justice and equal rights in a country where women are imprisoned for the simple fact of existing, stoned by illegal courts, and raped at terrifying rates. These words are not merely slogans, they are the sound of alarm we are rising under the ears of radical terrorists, Taliban and other misogynists.”

Sahraa Karimi, Filmmaker

“We, Afghan women, must remember that opportunities are rare therefore we must use them efficiently to grow, to make ourselves, to learn, and to improve. It is then that we will become a force for progress in our country and no one can deny our power.”

Shahla Zaland, Musician and Singer

“Afghan women are no longer in cages. We will hold our heads high and continue to fight for our rights and dignity.”

Parween Pazhwak, Author

“I want the new generation of Afghan women and girls to work and work persistently. We cannot bring about a movement without solidarity. Isolation kills our self-confidence. We need to believe in ourselves and we must nourish that in one another.”

Lina Rozbih, Journalist and Poet

“I want the women of my country to know that they are equal to men in the eyes of religion, of civil laws, and humanity. God created them equal.”

Sana Safi, Journalist

“Women must protect women. I think we need to believe that it is our duty to fight for our own rights and that of other women.”

Dr. Alema Alema, Director of Women’s Political Participation Committee in Afghanistan

“Afghan women are not made aware of their political rights. We must vote with awareness. We must study every candidate’s strategies in regards to women. We should vote not for people, but for strategies that support women’s rights. This time, we should not be silenced.”

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