Interview: Afghan men have a responsibility to fight for women’s equality

In an interview with Afghanistan Times and Kabulscape, our founder Noorjahan Akbar spoke about the responsibility men have to commit and fight for gender equality.

“Not all men are rapist, violent or harassers- but nearly all men are silent when they see these atrocities and almost all rapists and harassers are men. This is a harsh reality, but to change it Afghan men have a responsibility to fight for equality and respect for women. A more equal society will serve not only women but all of us as it will allow us to live as full human beings and beyond restrictive gender roles. It will be better for our country as we will all be able to contribute to rebuilding it and it will be better for our children as they will be able to see respectful role models upon which to base their lives. Equality for women is not a threat to men. It is only a threat to sexism and good men must join the effort to making equality a reality,” she said.

Read the full interview here.